by hubcareadmin | Feb 1, 2024 | Monthly Newsletters
Even with a fantastic franchise model like Hub Care Support behind you, your first year as a new business is a daunting time. It’s never going to be easy, and you will always face challenges as you build up your customer base and get yourself established as a...
by hubcareadmin | Jan 10, 2024 | Monthly Newsletters
First of all, please allow me to wish you a very Happy New Year from myself and everyone at Hub Care Support! 2023 was a pretty special year for this very special franchise, and it seems like every month has just been one good news story after the other. So, I thought...
by hubcareadmin | Nov 27, 2023 | Monthly Newsletters
If you saw last month’s news , you will have seen just how many smiling faces were sitting round that table at the first annual Hub Care Support franchise meet-up. Well, I’m very happy to tell you that we are already welcoming two more! This time, we’re joined by...
by hubcareadmin | Nov 1, 2023 | Monthly Newsletters
What’s the first thing you picture when you think about annual business conferences? Probably long meetings in stuffy rooms, or endless powerpoint presentations. Sure, dealing with the nitty gritty of running your own business can sometimes get a bit dry, even in a...
by hubcareadmin | Sep 21, 2023 | Monthly Newsletters
Hub Care Support welcomed three new franchisees over the summer, and these are the words of Mark Hirst who opened his Fareham office in June. His story is a fascinating one because he was determined to open a care business, but had nearly given up on finding the right...